使用熟悉的工具翻译Wordfast TXML


Wordfast 可免费使用,但记忆库TU不能超过500个

Heartsome 8

Heartsome 8对TXML支持的很好,可抽取匹配状态。


Swordfish支持TXML格式,但是Swordfish的易用性较差,不过 Swordfish 可将TXML转换为XLIFF文件,这为其他工具翻译TXML文件奠定了基础。

Trados 2007
通过自定义设置,Trados 2007 和 2009/2011 都可翻译未预翻译过的TXML文件,若TXML文件预翻译过,则不适用。Trados 2007在转换该(Swordfish转换TXML所生成的)XLF文件时,同样会将原文锁住,所以不适合处理经过预翻译的TXML文件。

Trados 2011
•    Open the TXML in Wordfast and copy all source to target as Grzegorz suggested
•    Save and copy the TXML and rename as xml for the time being
•    Open Studio and go to Tools-Options-Filetypes
•    Create a New filetype and select xml
•    In the first window that comes up replace the File Dialogue Wildcard Expression to read *txml instead of *.xml. This way the TXML files will be recognised in the future. You can also change the name of the filetype here too so you can recognise it easily later
•    Click on Next and then select Define settings based on INI, ANL, XML, XSD or ITS rule. Then browse and select the TXML file you renamed as XML earlier
•    This will populate all the relevant fields to start with. Further customisation is possible to make it nicer later on.
•    Now go Next thenNext and Finish
•    You will now have the new filetype showing in your list of filetypes. Select it and then choose Parser Rules.
•    Select all the rules that were brought in on the import and delete them. Now add two XPATH rules as follows
•    //* and set as Not translatable – this will ensure nothing is parsed at all when you open the file
•    //target and set as Always Translatable – this will ensure only the target elements in the TXML are exposed
•    Now open your TXML for translation and when you save as target you will find that the translated TXML should open in Wordfast too。

SDL Trados 2011 可直接打开由Swordfish转换的.txml.xlf文件,不论该TMXL是否已经预先翻译。

Déjà Vu X
Déjà Vu X使用第三方提供的定义文件可导入TMXL,但是和Trados 一样有着同样的限制。但Dejavu 可支持该(Swordfish转换TXML所生成的)XLF文件。
